Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mystery of The Etsy Treasury...

This is a plea from me to Etsy Administration:

I request that someone who is the rule-maker explain to me how treasuries get their "Hotness" and what the heck the "Hotness" is all about anyway!

I have a pretty good treasury, (this isn't the first time), I open the Etsy finds (treasury trends newsletter) see Nautical, click it, my treasury shows up on Etsy on page 4 even though it has a good amount of hits and comments, even though it is tagged appropriately. Here is the link to the treasury for an example:

If someone could explain what is wrong with the treasury or maybe what is not right that it doesn't appear on Page 1 so people can see it. Why does how long the treasury has been created have anything to do with it, that is one of the theories?

I have read, re-read, then read again, the Etsy blog, other peoples blogs, read discussions on the Teams, asked questions, and still the answer to the way a treasury gets picked to either be a "Handpicked" or in a newsletter is elusive.
I take my time, put a lot of thought into the whole thing, the quotes, the items, every detail and it seems to me this should not be a mystery.

If the way a treasury gets chosen for publicity is just picked according to how much an Administrator likes it, what is the point of being a community of people doing the same thing in our own way to just try to please "The Wizard Behind the Screen"

Why do people have to guess how it works, there are some ridiculous ideas out there have you all seen this example, this is just a small portion of the text that explains this strange formula :

(Info from a programmer who tested for a week to come up with the data)

The treasury is broken down in five categories: views, clicks, comments, shares, and report

viewing is worth 1 point

clicking is worth 0.75 points

comments are worth 2 points

If you are a curator and comment you lose .01 points for each comment. This may not seem like a lot but if you have the same score as another treasury, you are the one bumped down. We also don't know how it may affect your treasury after 5 hours.

If you are a feature only one of your comment counts as 2 points, after that you get no points even if you log in as a different shop. You are wasting your time.

If you are neither, each comment you make is worth 2 points.

You might as well tell me that I should stand on my head then blink four times at the screen and someone will notice my treasury.

I don't want to keep trying to figure it out, it's strange. I just want to have it explained once and for all, how a treasury gets hot and what does it matter if it does. What is the “real” formula or is it just one of those great mysteries of life like “Why is the sky blue?”

In conclusion, (and yes there is a conclusion ;o))I'm just trying to help myself and my other little fellow estians understand how to make a great treasury and be noticed!


  1. ok girl... I tweeted this.. I so agree.. its like politics I think..
    I am just as clueless!

  2. It's a bit nuts right?
    I don't think I have your twitter!
    This is me: @5thElementJewel
