Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Studio for Inspiration and Creating

Michael had a gorgeous new wood floor put in and arranged a new studio for me in the lower portion of our house, it is a completely awesome space!

I'm going to put a bird feeder outside the window so I can watch the little lovelies whilst I work on my jewels and photos.  I love watching the birds, it just makes me feel happy to see them.  I can identify a few birds by sound in my neighborhood, one is the Cardinal his voice is very distinctive and the other is the Blue Jay which mimics the Hawk, interesting right? We have so many birds in our neighborhood, lots of Finches,
Red-tail Hawk,Morning Doves,Red Bellied Woodpeckers, Crows, Chickadees and I have heard tell of Humming Birds as well.

The new space is very inspiring, I've set up a photo light box so I can take new pictures of my work, I have a few new pictures on my Etsy shop if you want to take a gander:  New Photos Are The First Four At The Top

As soon as I get a chance I'll take some photos and post them so I can share my lovely new place with you.